
Planting Trees

Got a volunteer session this morning planting 500 trees with the Little Traverse Conservancy. Sarah, Mike and I are going, and there should be quite a few other people there. So I'm not sure how long it will take, but an outdoor ride is on the agenda for this afternoon either way. It's been rainy and cold the last couple of days so I've opted for the relative comfort of the trainer. The rain has really greened things up out there. The trees are only just starting to bud, but the ground out at HQ is becoming a sea of green. The trillium and the leeks are coming on strong. You can't see the flowers of the trillium yet, and the leeks aroma is still faint. But spring is in full swing. A couple of more weeks and maybe we'll have some work to do at the store as well. Fingers crossed. Over and out.

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