One: If you enjoy drinking sparkling H2O, bring your own. I brought a case of water from home; but it ran out, and I was forced to buy lemon flavored Perrier. If you're ever in a pinch, and that's all you can find, don't buy it. It tastes like lemon pledge in the worst possible way. I actually saved the receipt, and intend to return two of the three bottles tomorrow.
Two: People down this way are really into NASCAR. That is the only reason I know to give a shout out to Kevin. Jeff Gordon won today, whatever that means. I just know that's Kevin's favorite driver.
Three: While people tend to be really polite and friendly down here, they also tend to blatantly disregard the signs along the road about littering. As far as I can tell, it may as well read "$1000 reward for littering" as opposed the supposed fine against it. To be fair about this, some amount of it is probably directly attributable to the lack of bottle deposits.
Four: The food is different. Case in point, I had sausage and gravy with biscuits for breakfast the other morning at Mulberry Gap (Along with eggs, jam, coffee and such). Ginny was genuinely surprised that I had never had that particular dish before, and to be honest it was really pretty tasty.
My hands are sore from two hard days of riding here in Pisgah, so that's all I have to report for. I'll post in the morning about my two nice rides here in Brevard, NC before I head back to Mulberry tomorrow afternoon. Over and out.