Interweb @ HQ
The weather is still shi**y, and it's early in the day so I have nothing very interesting to report. But wait, there's this: thanks to my trusty iPhone and Matt I now have access to the interweb from my laptop here at the HQ. Matt gave me the heads up last week on how to turn my iPhone into a tethering device. I don't know exactly how all this works, but it does. With only two little bars of cell signal, my laptop is able to bluetoothily use said signal for surfing the interweb at speeds a good deal faster than dial up. Now I don't really care how long it takes for DSL to show up, I'm in. Have a happy tuesday.
Blah Monday
Weather is crappy today. Cold, windy, and a steady rain. I didn't ride to work this morning because of it. I got a ride with Sarah instead. Perhaps if it clears up a little this afternoon, I'll get a spin in on the 1X1. If not, I'm off tomorrow so I'll I get a ride in regardless of the weather. WNR @ HQ this week. So far the menu is burgers on the grill. Scott's bringing the buns (that's right Scott), and we'll have the burger and cheese. Call if you'd like to contribute, and I'll give you something to bring. Hope to see everyone out on Wednesday.
WNR #11
Attendance: Myself, Sarah, Jesslilyn, Sherry, Doug, Benson, Matt, Seth, Kurt, Rob, and Hugh.
Weather: Almost unbearably hot. 86 degrees, but sunny.
Trail Conditions: The NCT trail crew has been through bushwhacking between Stutsmanville and Brutus Roads. That particular section of trail is in the best shape that I can remember. Beyond that, the trail was a little sandy, but it was still nice to be riding on the singletrack after a couple of days on the road.
One of, it not the biggest group of the year so far. We could have hung around a little more after the ride if it weren't for the fu**ing bugs. Anywho, not much more to report from the WNR front. Next week's WNR @ HQ. May still be Founder's Pale on tap. If not, New Holland Mad Hatter is up next. Have a good weekend.
Weather: Almost unbearably hot. 86 degrees, but sunny.
Trail Conditions: The NCT trail crew has been through bushwhacking between Stutsmanville and Brutus Roads. That particular section of trail is in the best shape that I can remember. Beyond that, the trail was a little sandy, but it was still nice to be riding on the singletrack after a couple of days on the road.
One of, it not the biggest group of the year so far. We could have hung around a little more after the ride if it weren't for the fu**ing bugs. Anywho, not much more to report from the WNR front. Next week's WNR @ HQ. May still be Founder's Pale on tap. If not, New Holland Mad Hatter is up next. Have a good weekend.
LBJ 110 Race Report
Lap 1: 2 hours 14 minutes. I felt about as good as can be expected going into the first lap. It's hard to get too amped up when your alarm went off at a quarter to five in the a.m., and you're getting ready to race 100 miles of singletrack. But at the same time your legs feel good, and so you want to put the hammer down right out of the gate. I've made that mistake before, and I was determined to reign in the pace for a nice easy first lap. After the initial big hike-a-bike climb, I settled into a nice pace behind someone in a red Specialized kit. I rode behind him with about half a dozen other guys for most of the first lap. It worked out perfectly because his speed was just a hair below what would be my normal race pace. Things were rolling along well until he pulled off at the last aid station. This left me at the front of the train; and while I tried to keep a lid on the pace, I felt my heart rate creeping up from time to time. I just had to keep reminding myself that it was early in the day, and it would be downright to stupid to ramp up the pace. Rolling into the pits after Lap 1 I was feeling good, and I only stopped long enough to change out my bottles and head back out.
Lap 2: 2 hours 19 minutes. The second lap of the day went much the same as the first except that I was the one leading out for most of the lap. There were a group of 8 or 9 riders right behind me; and whenever I asked if anyone wanted to come around, the response was always "no we're good". I know that drafting doesn't really play a roll when racing on the singletrack, but it was a little unnerving psychologically to feel as though I was pulling them around the course. So I put in a little attack before the last aid station and rode alone for the remainder of the lap.
Lap 3: 2 hours 35 minutes. This was my slowest lap of the day, and it was also the toughest (both mentally and physically). The climbs in the beginning seemed unbearably long, and near the halfway point my legs started cramping up just a tad. I stopped and popped a couple of Endurolytes with an Enervit chaser. I stopped at the aid station for the first time of the day and dumped a couple cups of ice water over my head before finishing up the lap.
Lap 4: 2 hours 33 minutes. Once I had the third lap wrapped up and it looked a sub 10 hour finishing time was well within the realm of possibilities, my outlook on the day improved dramatically. Each time I went up a long climb, I knew that was the last time I'd have to do it (this year). And I felt better than can be expected for most of the lap. I steadily passed and lapped riders that were in far worse shape than myself, and that only improved my mood and pace. I stopped again at the aid station for the cold water over the head routine and a small cup of ice cold flat coke. After that, my body was pretty much on auto pilot until the finish. I knew my time going to into the home stretch from my GPS, but it was still a relief to round that last corner into the finishing stretch and seeing the clock just turning over the 9:40 mark. I crossed a minute later and immediately handed over the bike to Sarah before collapsing into a chair in our pit. I didn't realize how hot it had gotten until it was over (85 degrees in the shade). But it was over. 100 miles of singletrack in 9 hours 41 minutes. When I downloaded the data back at the cabin, I realized I'd only stopped moving for seven minutes the whole day.
In conclusion: I'd like to first thank Sarah for doing such a good job setting up the pit and keeping me fueled and motivated throughout the day. Your help let's me concentrate all of my energy on riding my bike, and it always makes a big difference. Hugh had a great ride, finishing in 8:58. Great job. All in all, this was one of the better races I've had. Toeing the line for these 100 milers is always a bit intimidating. So many things can happen that are beyond your control, whether it's physical, mental, or mechanical. This year I had a plan. I had a slow build up this spring, and I was very diligent in getting in my long rides every week. In the end everything came together. Thanks for reading.
P.S. WNR this week @ the Pleasantview Township Hall.
Lap 2: 2 hours 19 minutes. The second lap of the day went much the same as the first except that I was the one leading out for most of the lap. There were a group of 8 or 9 riders right behind me; and whenever I asked if anyone wanted to come around, the response was always "no we're good". I know that drafting doesn't really play a roll when racing on the singletrack, but it was a little unnerving psychologically to feel as though I was pulling them around the course. So I put in a little attack before the last aid station and rode alone for the remainder of the lap.
Lap 3: 2 hours 35 minutes. This was my slowest lap of the day, and it was also the toughest (both mentally and physically). The climbs in the beginning seemed unbearably long, and near the halfway point my legs started cramping up just a tad. I stopped and popped a couple of Endurolytes with an Enervit chaser. I stopped at the aid station for the first time of the day and dumped a couple cups of ice water over my head before finishing up the lap.
Lap 4: 2 hours 33 minutes. Once I had the third lap wrapped up and it looked a sub 10 hour finishing time was well within the realm of possibilities, my outlook on the day improved dramatically. Each time I went up a long climb, I knew that was the last time I'd have to do it (this year). And I felt better than can be expected for most of the lap. I steadily passed and lapped riders that were in far worse shape than myself, and that only improved my mood and pace. I stopped again at the aid station for the cold water over the head routine and a small cup of ice cold flat coke. After that, my body was pretty much on auto pilot until the finish. I knew my time going to into the home stretch from my GPS, but it was still a relief to round that last corner into the finishing stretch and seeing the clock just turning over the 9:40 mark. I crossed a minute later and immediately handed over the bike to Sarah before collapsing into a chair in our pit. I didn't realize how hot it had gotten until it was over (85 degrees in the shade). But it was over. 100 miles of singletrack in 9 hours 41 minutes. When I downloaded the data back at the cabin, I realized I'd only stopped moving for seven minutes the whole day.
In conclusion: I'd like to first thank Sarah for doing such a good job setting up the pit and keeping me fueled and motivated throughout the day. Your help let's me concentrate all of my energy on riding my bike, and it always makes a big difference. Hugh had a great ride, finishing in 8:58. Great job. All in all, this was one of the better races I've had. Toeing the line for these 100 milers is always a bit intimidating. So many things can happen that are beyond your control, whether it's physical, mental, or mechanical. This year I had a plan. I had a slow build up this spring, and I was very diligent in getting in my long rides every week. In the end everything came together. Thanks for reading.
P.S. WNR this week @ the Pleasantview Township Hall.
LBJ 110 Quick Post
I'm going to be brief because my hands are sore, and I've got a tad of numbness in my left hand. No cause for concern, that is to be expected. I did really well. My goals after the DNF debacle last year were to A) finish the race and B) finish in under ten hours. I got em' both. 100 miles of singletrack in 9 hours and 41 minutes (48 out of 175 Men's open). I'm really happy, and so now I will drink Two Hearted until my hearts content (or until I fall asleep which may be really f**king early). I'll write up a full report for the dozen or so of you that check my sh*t out on monday. Have a good rest of the weekend.
WNR # 10
Attendance: Myself, Sarah, Jessilyn, Ginny (from Flagstaff), Benson, Rob, and Seth.
Trail Conditions: The trail is 100 percent open and rideable now. There were a couple of bigger trees down that required a quick dismount up until recently. Sand is definitely an issue, but it constantly amazes me how well the big 29er wheels handle it.
Weather: Sunny and in the low 70's. Bugs were horrible. I even got bitten while riding.
We only rode up to Robinson and back; but the pace was high, and it felt good to get the heart rate up a little bit. I took today off the bike and drove to yoga this morning. Now there's only one ride left after our packet pick up tomorrow afternoon before the big event. I'm feeling pretty good about the race this year. I've been going over my numbers for the past couple of years, and I'm definitely better prepared than I've been in years past as far as time in the saddle goes. My shoulder hasn't been too much of an issue yet (knock on wood). So this may be the last post until after the race. Wish me luck, and have a good weekend. Over and out.
Trail Conditions: The trail is 100 percent open and rideable now. There were a couple of bigger trees down that required a quick dismount up until recently. Sand is definitely an issue, but it constantly amazes me how well the big 29er wheels handle it.
Weather: Sunny and in the low 70's. Bugs were horrible. I even got bitten while riding.
We only rode up to Robinson and back; but the pace was high, and it felt good to get the heart rate up a little bit. I took today off the bike and drove to yoga this morning. Now there's only one ride left after our packet pick up tomorrow afternoon before the big event. I'm feeling pretty good about the race this year. I've been going over my numbers for the past couple of years, and I'm definitely better prepared than I've been in years past as far as time in the saddle goes. My shoulder hasn't been too much of an issue yet (knock on wood). So this may be the last post until after the race. Wish me luck, and have a good weekend. Over and out.
SBYC Tuesday
In an effort to rest up and recover for the big race on saturday, yesterday I did absolutely nothing (or as close to nothing as possible). I did have to work for an hour in the morning before heading over to Hugh's so I could watch him tune up my front brake caliper. Other than that, I spent my morning straightening up the shop, reading, and watching Netflix on my laptop. In the afternoon I headed up the SBYC for some sun and a stand in the mid forty degree water. Mike G. and Bob showed up about an hour after I got there, and we chatted for a little while. I headed back south and stopped in for a pizza at the Crow's Nest. I brought the pizza home, got a beer from the keg, and watched some more Netflix. Then I went to bed. It was tough not to get out for a ride on such a nice day, but I'll be spinning the pedals around tonight at the WNR. Lark's Lake Rd. NCT.
I found a trailer for a movie about that bike ride that Kerri did a couple of winters ago. Check it out.
I found a trailer for a movie about that bike ride that Kerri did a couple of winters ago. Check it out.
Dinner By The Lake
Had just a wonderful dinner down by the lake last night with Sarah, John and Madge, Erin, and Mike G. The wind was just strong enough to keep the bugs away, and the sun was bright enough to keep you warm. Sarah and I dined on grilled chicken breasts, served with risotto and spinach salad. We even cruised some two tracks in the Passat on the way home since it was my turn to drive. Anyway, hope everyone had a good weekend. WNR @ Lark's Lake this week. Over and out.
I want to do this race next year, but I need to find a partner. Any takers?
WNR #9
Attendance: Myself, Sarah, Sherry, Doug, Rob, Matt, Josh (Biggs from Flagstaff), Hugh, and Seth.
Weather: Mostly sunny and appox. 60 degrees.
Trail Conditions: Very good. We rode from the field up to the new downhill trail. After that it was pretty much straight back to the car via the trail that has recently been logged (head up the power line from the field and hang a left). It's getting a little better from being ridden, but I still wouldn't advise going up it. It's really choppy and beat up.
All in all, I think a good ride was had by all. There were even a few other folks out enjoying the trails with us. Next weeks WNR @ Larks Lake Road. There was talk of riding at some point on sunday, so give me a shout if you're interested.
Weather: Mostly sunny and appox. 60 degrees.
Trail Conditions: Very good. We rode from the field up to the new downhill trail. After that it was pretty much straight back to the car via the trail that has recently been logged (head up the power line from the field and hang a left). It's getting a little better from being ridden, but I still wouldn't advise going up it. It's really choppy and beat up.
All in all, I think a good ride was had by all. There were even a few other folks out enjoying the trails with us. Next weeks WNR @ Larks Lake Road. There was talk of riding at some point on sunday, so give me a shout if you're interested.
Uncharted Territory
Well, I guess it's not really uncharted because I had a map, which I guess is a kind of chart. But it was a section of trail I hadn't ridden before. I parked at the NCT crossing of Chandler Hill Rd. and headed south. The first part of the ride to Thumb Lake Rd. was old news. Been there, done that. Beyond that, I had to consult my trusty map and the blue blazes along the side of the road. I rode south all the way to the end of Map-04 and turned around. In case you're thinking about riding down there yourself, don't get too excited about ripping up sweet singletrack. There really isn't any. It's mostly a fifty/fifty mix of dirt roads and primitive two tracks with some serious elevation changes. All told I ended up with just under 25 miles in just under three hours with a little over 2200 ft. of climbing. I was going to ride a little longer, but my heart rate was stuck about 10 to 15 beats below my normal endurance pace. I could get it up a little on some of the bigger climbs, but anytime I was on the flats or going downhill it plummeted. My legs felt okay, but I know from past experience that this symptom is a clear signal that it's time to call it a day. Now it's just recovery, rest, and light training until the Lumberjack. WNR change: 6:30 @ Boyne. Be there or be square.
Hanson Hills Race Report

Sarah getting warmed up for the start.
The team had a strong showing at the race yesterday for sure. For starters, it wasn't just me toeing the line. Matt and Sarah also threw their respective hats in the ring, and they both ended up with very respectable results. Matt finished 5th in the Sport 30-34 class, and Sarah chalked up a 3rd in the Sport 30-39. I rolled in at 6th in the Advanced Singlespeed class just nine seconds off of fifth. The weather was cold and cloudy, but it never rained during the race so we really didn't have too much to complain about. After the race we headed over to Bellaire and the Stoneswater Inn to cap off the full race experience. The cap off included beers at Short's Brewing Co., dinner at LuLu's, and another bottle of wine on the bank of the river that runs next to the Inn. It was awesome. Congratulations to Matt and Sarah for racing and doing so well. Less than two weeks until the Lumberjack 100, so after tomorrows long ride I'll be in taper and recovery mode until the big day June 20th. WNR this week @ the Pleasantview Township Hall. Hope to see you there.
Me getting ready to start my hour and a half of pain.
Matt crossing the finish line.
WNR #8
Attendance: Myself, Benson, Matt, and Rob.
Weather: Chilly (58 degrees), but sunny.
Trail Conditions: The Loop is still holding up pretty well this spring. With a little bit of TLC here and there, it'd be fantastic.
Last night marked our first non-stop WNR of the season. We upped the pace after the cart path climb on the way home, and it felt really good to throw down and peg the heartrate for the last 15 minutes of the ride. After that it was Oberon from the keg and pesto pasta with chicken from the kitchen. Since only four of us were riding, Sarah decided to scrap the app. plan while we were out and made dinner for us instead. It was a tasty suprise after a hard ride. Next weeks WNR @ the Pleasantview Township Hall heading south to Kipp Rd. and back. The team will be representing at Hanson Hills this weekend. Stay tuned for race report(s) next week, and have a good weekend.
Weather: Chilly (58 degrees), but sunny.
Trail Conditions: The Loop is still holding up pretty well this spring. With a little bit of TLC here and there, it'd be fantastic.
Last night marked our first non-stop WNR of the season. We upped the pace after the cart path climb on the way home, and it felt really good to throw down and peg the heartrate for the last 15 minutes of the ride. After that it was Oberon from the keg and pesto pasta with chicken from the kitchen. Since only four of us were riding, Sarah decided to scrap the app. plan while we were out and made dinner for us instead. It was a tasty suprise after a hard ride. Next weeks WNR @ the Pleasantview Township Hall heading south to Kipp Rd. and back. The team will be representing at Hanson Hills this weekend. Stay tuned for race report(s) next week, and have a good weekend.
Let There Be Cedar
We had our cedar hedge repaired today with 20 fresh ones. Then the dudes planted eight 20' cedars to close off the neighbors from view on a year round basis. I forgot to take some pictures before I came to town, but you can see it for yourself if you come to the WNR tomorrow night. Oberon on tap, and bring an app. to pass if you'd like to stay for chow afterwards. The weather is supposed to be delightful, so hopefully we'll get a big turnout for the first WNR in June. Over and out.
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