
O2S Prep.

Preparations are under way for the O2S next month. I'm pretty much recovered from the Lumberjack/Fourth of July Extravaganza, and so I'll do a good three or four week build up for the race starting tomorrow. We're also fortunate enough to be upgrading our accommodations at the race this year. Rod and Joellen have graciously agreed to let us take their camper with us for the three day weekend. Yesterday, I went over to their place after work for a lesson with the camper, and then I towed it up and down Stutsmanville before depositing it in our driveway for the night. We spent the night in it, and it's an amazing upgrade from the REI two person tent we've been using in the past. In other race related news: Hugh and Denise bought the tandem mountain bike that they were trying out a couple of weeks ago, and they'll be toeing the line of the 48 miler aboard it come Aug. 8th. So far, we've got quite the contingent heading up to Marquette for the race.

WNR @ HQ this week. Over and out.

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