The fourth annual Ride of Silence-Harbor Springs was a success. The turnout was similar to past years but there were a LOT of new faces. Officially there were 56 riders signed in but I know a handful arrived late to join the procession. We opted to not have a vehicle escort for the ride and encouraged everyone to ride no more than two-abreast as allowed by law. I was thrilled to see that everyone tightened up the ranks and showed how to ride courteously & legally. We did have the support of the HSPD to aid in traffic control at a couple of intersections, just in case, but the group performed so well, we hardly needed it. I was fortunate to get Steve Foley from the Petoskey News Review to volunteer as the photographer and he took some wonderful pictures. You can view them all HERE or see them on the R of S-HS Facebook page. The weather was a bit chillier than the past couple (in the 50's) but no where near the brutal conditions we faced in our first year. We were one of 322 locations worldwide and I am proud to be a part of this event honoring cyclists that have been injured or killed while cycling on public roadways and to raise awareness encouraging everyone to Share the Road.
Again, I want to thank everyone that participated this year in our ride or another, volunteered in some way, supports our cause, wanted to but was unable to, has in the past and/or plans to in the future. Riding bikes is just plain fun and we'll continue to work to make it safe to enjoy an activity we love so much!