I managed to take a large a chunk out of the knuckle of my right hand at work on Tuesday. This means I will be unable to bend it for a few days so that it stops bleeding....i.e. no mountain biking. I went for a run last night instead, and as scary as this sounds it went really well. I'd rather be riding, but it is one hell of a workout. I'm going to try out the road bike tomorrow and see how that goes with the immobile digit. A little birdie told me that Marcus was planning on making a surprise visit last night. Sorry to have missed you Marcus, we'll have to hook up for a ride once I'm done bleeding. We'll see how I'm doing next week as far as the WNR goes. Until then I'll be running and road biking. Everybody be careful of sharp things (like electric slicers) this weekend, and we'll see you later. Thanks for reading.
Wilderness State Park
Had the rare treat of two days off in a row this Sunday and Monday so I decided to take a little mini vacation up to Wilderness State Park. I figured that was close enough for Sarah to be able to drive to work on Monday while I went out to explore some new mountain bike trails. I'd always heard great things about the rustic cabins that are for rent up there, and everything turned out to be true. They're rustic, isolated, and damn near perfect for us. It's a a great old log cabin with two sets of bunkbeds and a woodstove (we didn't really need that since it's still pretty warm out). Outside is a hand pump well, an outhouse, and a firepit. I don't really need anymore than that as it turns out. It's a little wierd not to have electricity (no way to charge the laptop). But at the same time it's amazing how quiet it can be without the usual sounds of home: stereo/tv, dehumidifier, washer/dryer, dishwasher, etc. We had a great time with a little too much wine and beer, but what are you going to do when you're on "vacation".

My ride on Monday was pretty nice. I rode some old trails I'd ridden before, but I also found some sweet new singletrack that I can't wait to ride again. I could certainly have explored a little more, but it was damn hot out. So 1hr45min and 18 miles was enough for me. I'm really hoping to come out of this riding funk soon. I just haven't felt good on the bike for a couple of weeks now, and it's really starting to piss me off. I'm trying to take it a little easier, and I've even dusted off my geared mountain bike to help me keep the pace down. We'll just have to wait and see. WNR at Boyne again this week. Be there or be square.
My ride on Monday was pretty nice. I rode some old trails I'd ridden before, but I also found some sweet new singletrack that I can't wait to ride again. I could certainly have explored a little more, but it was damn hot out. So 1hr45min and 18 miles was enough for me. I'm really hoping to come out of this riding funk soon. I just haven't felt good on the bike for a couple of weeks now, and it's really starting to piss me off. I'm trying to take it a little easier, and I've even dusted off my geared mountain bike to help me keep the pace down. We'll just have to wait and see. WNR at Boyne again this week. Be there or be square.
1/2 Century on the Singlespeed
With the way my legs were feeling last week and Hugh bailing out to go to Marquette (I wish I could have gone too), I was not optimistic about the big ride yesterday. Tim F. agreed to meet me for part of the day, but that would be my only riding partner. At least I was out in the woods, and the weather was terrific. I think I've found out how to show a link to my GPS people so you can view the ride on a map with all the numbers. In case it doesn't work: 52.84 miles in 6 hours, just shy of 7,000 vertical. Funny, almost the same time as last Sunday with almost the same vertical, but half the distance...what that mean? WNR at Boyne this week. Hope to see everyone there.
New Post Old Video
Well I guess the video isn't that old. Matt took this clip of a unicycle finishing up the Ore to Shore back in August. I think he only did the 28 miler, but that's still pretty badass. I wasn't really motivated to get out training this week, and I felt like crap on the WNR. I'm thinking it had something to do with H100. Anyway, I took the last two days off in preparation for the big ride tomorrow. I'll report back on Monday. Take care, and have a good weekend.
Hugh's Humongous 100
Hugh had a new course option this year for completing your 100 miles. A 4.8 mile loop containg the brutal Wasson's Grade climb is the new offering. If you ride it 21 times you get your 100 miles. I was the only rider that thought this sounded like fun, and so I set off alone at about 7:45 yesterday morning. I put a bag at the end of my driveway (which just so happens to lie along the new route), it was stocked with 8 fresh bottles full of Perpeteum and Heed along with a wide assortment of easy to consume foodstuffs. I was hoping to use the ride to develop a long term pacing strategy. My current strategy of riding really fast until I get tired and then slowing way down doesn't seem to work in 100 mile mountain bike racing. So my goal for the day was to ride consistent laps with enough left over to really hammer the last 2 or 3. I also tried to eat and drink steadily. It must have been a good plan because I still felt good enough at the end to put in two of my fastest laps. I know this won't translate directly to 100 miles of dirt, but I felt good all the same: 100.2 miles in 6hr12min with 7,088 ft. of climbing. I anticipate much more pain and suffering next weekend when I go for the 100 miles of mountain biking on the singlespeed. WNR at Kipp this weeek so bring your climbing legs.
Changing Gears
I'm in the process of changing quite a few gears right now. First and foremost has to be that Sarah and I will be getting married in a little over a month. A close second is that I recently made my singlespeed a couple of gears harder. Rounding out the top three is the end of mountain bike racing for the year. My last race will be the state championships at Boyne Mountain on Oct. 6th (only six days before the hitching so I'll be extra careful). It's time to start getting ready for my first cyclocross season. Towards that end, I've entered into a very light trail running regiment to prepare me for the runups. It's crazy I know. I've got to get back to work....more updates to follow after Hugh's Humongous 100 this Sunday. Until then, take care and ride like the wind.
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