
Social Distancing in a Social Media World

Does it work anymore? If words get typed on a page, a virtual page that is and posted somewhere on the internet but nobody every reads them do they really exist? What about pictures? Weird times these be for sure. The pandemic is upon us. Social distancing is the new normal, my store will be closed for the longest time ever since 1972 before wave one is all said and done.. We're giving it three weeks to start with, but without any clear idea from the powers that be as to what to expect moving forward it's hard to imagine that somehow things are going to be looking up to the point that we'll all be encouraged to go out and mingle about in three weeks time. In the meantime I will continue to use my days as productively as I can.
So this was just a test. If nothing else it may serve as a good way for me to chronicle the northern Michigan pandemic experience from the woods.

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