That's right. Amber joined Chris and I last night for a quick glide in the woods just after dark. That's a new record for the TNS (tuesday night ski). Don't be shy and come on out next week. It'll be fun. This week we skiied to the bottom of the 95 acres climb and back, but I'm open to any and all suggestions on route variation or perhaps even a change in venue. Just a freindly reminder: February starts tomorrow, and bike season will be here before you know it. Get out there and stay fit. Today's pearl of wisdon courtesy of the Tao of Skiing: Perseverance will guarantee a large degree of success.
p.s. Sarah and I got engaged last Friday. We're all very excited, but as of yet have no concrete plans. Stay tuned.
M.V.S.C (Middle Village Ski Club)
Got out to the club on Sunday morning for an 11:00 tour with club founder JT, Sarah, and Benson. It was a balmy 7 degrees when we set out, and I'm pretty sure it had warmed up to 11or12 by the time we finished up a couple of hours later. John, and I believe Ed and TIm had been out Saturday, so there was a pretty good track set with 3or4 inches of light fresh snow on top. The downhill conditions were marginal at best. Actually they were probably a little bit dangerous, but we were pretty careful for the most part. Still, I probably got in a dozen turns or so on shorter steeper shots (that didn't appear to have any logs, stumps, etc. lurking under the crusty sparse snow cover). They're calling for a little bit of snow each day all week, so we're going to remain optimistic for next Sunday. There is enough snow now that most of the classic trails in the area have been set, so at least we have that option as well. Classic skiing sure beats sitting on the trainer. Don't forget to come out to ski on Tuesday nights at 6:30. Cheesy Inspirational thought for the day courtesy of Tao of Skiing CD-ROM:
Push your limits. It is the only way you will move them.
Tuesday night group ski
Greetings to all. Benson and I met up for a little night skiing on the loop last night, and the conditions were actually quite good. I'm interested in making that a weekly event in terms of my off-season training, so come on out with some skis and a headlamp and we'll have a good old time. I'd even be willing to fire up the sauna if anyone was interested. We can plan on dinner after too, just like the old wednesday night ride. Remember, just because it's dark and cold out doesn't mean you can't have fun cruising around in the woods. Some other people seem to be using the trail too so there's a pretty nice track to follow already in place. Take care and ski well.
Winter's here.
I had the best day of skiing to date this season. I got to Nub's at 9:00 this morning and got two hours in before work. It was the first day that they've had Pintail Peak open and conditions were perfect. Eight to ten inches of fresh powder and a new O.A.R. album on the pod. There is also probably enough snow in the woods to do some cross country as well. I went out on Tuesday night, and it was marginal. However, this Tuesday I'm planning on heading out again in the dark. All are welcome, we'll probably depart the house by 6:30 so give me a shout if you want to join the group.
The Burning Tree
Had a little party on Saturday night to celebrate the burning of our christmas tree. It has become something of a tradition, and this year Chris brought a tree to burn as well. What we do is get a good solid bonfire going in the pit and then ceremoniously toss the dry tree (or trees) onto the flames. As could be expected, they go up in an inferno of sparks and flame. It is quite a pretty sight, although this year it was a little sketchy due to the lack of snow. All told, we had 12 people in attendance for dinner and the burning. And now we finally have snow again, so hopefully any more biking tales before the spring will be trainer/maitanence related. I got out to Nubs this morning for a quick ski before work, and it felt great to be on the skis again. Free your heel, and free your mind as the saying goes. Take care and ski well.
Full Moon on the N.C.T.
Well, Chris and I didn't have any takers for the full moon ride this wednesday, but we made the most of it anyway. I can't say for sure, but I do believe it was the warmest ride I've had since I was on vacation. It was 42 degrees with little wind to speak of, and the trail was in great shape. After a quick hour ride, we were drenched with sweat and ready for a beer. For our post ride enjoyment, Chris brought a couple of special beers from our freinds at Bell's. It was an extra hoppy bitter which is always right up my alley. I can't for the life of me remeber the name off the top of my head, but I'll definately be ordering a case from old Patrick come monday. It was super tasty. I suppose we're just going to have to keep on riding until we can finally get back on the skis (who knows when that's going to be though). Take care, and ride well.
New Year to Ride!
Happy New Year everyone! Pete & I decided to start 2007 with a ride at Boyne. New Year's day was crisp and clear, mid-30's and abundant sun in the afternoon. We began in the meadow and headed up to the top, past Graham Chapel to the south warming hut, (I surely needed to catch my breath from the cold air and climb.) With a quick stop by the lift for a photo and a few odd looks from the skiers & boarders we continued our ride.
We stopped at the N. Peak and caught a glimpse of the near full moon rising in the late afternoon. There were a few diminishing puddles of snow in the darker places in the woods, barely enough to merit a thought of skiing. As the non-winter continues, we may as well ride our bikes... it sure beats riding the couch.
As an addendum to my previous post regarding the end of my '06 bicycle commuting, I was a bit premature in my assumption that winter was going to halt my biking to work. As the snow has melted from the bike path, I have resumed my use of the two-wheeled vehicle opting to leave the truck in the garage. Until there's snow, keep the wheels turning.

As an addendum to my previous post regarding the end of my '06 bicycle commuting, I was a bit premature in my assumption that winter was going to halt my biking to work. As the snow has melted from the bike path, I have resumed my use of the two-wheeled vehicle opting to leave the truck in the garage. Until there's snow, keep the wheels turning.
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