
The Burning Tree

Had a little party on Saturday night to celebrate the burning of our christmas tree. It has become something of a tradition, and this year Chris brought a tree to burn as well. What we do is get a good solid bonfire going in the pit and then ceremoniously toss the dry tree (or trees) onto the flames. As could be expected, they go up in an inferno of sparks and flame. It is quite a pretty sight, although this year it was a little sketchy due to the lack of snow. All told, we had 12 people in attendance for dinner and the burning. And now we finally have snow again, so hopefully any more biking tales before the spring will be trainer/maitanence related. I got out to Nubs this morning for a quick ski before work, and it felt great to be on the skis again. Free your heel, and free your mind as the saying goes. Take care and ski well.

1 comment:

Zach Rodgers said...

nice to see the tree blaze. miss that shit in brooklyn!