
Acoustic Bikes?

I ran across a picture on the internet today that got me to chuckling.
I have a very visceral reaction to the whole notion of e-bikes. The comment section that went along with the picture leads me to believe that my opinion may be in the minority. A couple of the people referred to the distinction between the two modes of transportation as an "e-bike" or an "acoustic bike". I don't like this. It is either a "motor cycle" or a "bicycle". It makes no difference that it is electric or quiet or green. To the commenters that claim it allowed them to keep riding after becoming injured or too old, I'd say I'm really sorry. But there will come a time for all of us when riding challenging single track will no longer be an option. Whether it's due to age, failing eyesight, disability, disease, or eventually the great beyond it will happen. If it happens before death for me, I'll switch back to the road. Hopefully I'll still be able to negotiate the lesser traveled dirt ones. But if not I've been a road biker before and I can become one again. I'd even go so far as to to say that I'd rather ride a rucumbent bike on the bike path before I'd swing my leg over an e-bike for use on the trails. Or god forbid I may have to start hiking. I just see it as way too slippery of a slope. The motors will get bigger, the batteries will last longer and get lighter, they will go faster and become less expensive. It's a recipe for motorized dirt bikes to eventually start using and damaging trails that were designed and built specifically for non-motorized use. I saw a guy on one the other day while I was out spring cleaning the trails at Boyne. He was cruising along on an e-fat bike. In insulated Cardhardt bib overalls and no helmet. With two dogs. He did not appear to be disabled. At least not physically. At any rate, a rant that now seems rather trivial in light of the pandemic is through. On a lighter note I had a very productive pandemic day. Cleaned out the wood stove, changed the sheets, did some laundry, vacuumed, did a yoga practice, had a good interval session on the trainer, and topped it off with a sauna. 170 degrees. Over and out.

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