
Income Inequality

Word on the streets is that this place just sold for a little over four million dollars. It's hard for "regular" people like myself to really understand this type of money. I refer to myself as a regular person only in comparison to the type of person that can buy a second second cottage Up North for somewhere just north of four million dollars. And I didn't type second twice there by mistake either. This particular dude already has a cottage in the same exclusive community. It's not on the water, and the lot isn't nearly as nice or large. But they are going to keep it anyway, you know for kids or guests and such. Why not? Two cottages are better than one, am I right?
$4,000,000. is $100,000 a year for 40 years. Or you could do this with it.
I'm told an 8,000 square foot cottage has been drawn up. Supposedly they were going to try and get the foundation in this spring and then do the majority of the build over next winter. No doubt they have experienced some scheduling difficulties with the pandemic and all so maybe it won't be done by spring of 2021. But there is also little doubt that this current situation we find ourselves in will derail the project altogether. After all, he earned that money. Or to be more precise his father in law inherited that money from his father. Who may or may not have inherited it from someone who owned slaves. Kind of making that slave part up. Maybe. Wish the rest of it wasn't true, but it is. Asshole.

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