
Spring Break

One spring break has already come and gone without going anywhere. For obvious reasons we didn't make it to Arkansas like we were supposed to earlier in the month. We weren't scheduled for another trip until just after Memorial Day, but it's probably generous to give that more than a 50/50 chance at this point. I'd like to think we would be open by then and doing some sort of curbside service, but it might be hard to and/or unadvisable to pack up the camper and head to Copper Harbor as we had planned. In the short term, it's just about gotten warm enough to contemplate some close to home bike packing adventures. I'm trying to wait for the overnight lows to stay above 40. I'm thinking about O'neil Lake on Monday night as trip number one of the season. Not too much else to report from the HQ, I think we are going to head out and do a little more trail work tomorrow morning. And then I've got a ride tomorrow evening, temps are supposed to be about 50 :). Over and out.

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