
Just Plugging Along

Like it says, just plugging along out there in the woods. I think I've perfected a method of spring trail cleaning that works well for me. I start off on the first pass with Billy and a small but sturdy rake. I get most of the sticks and downfall out of the way and make a note of anything that will require a chainsaw. If possible I like to get the chainsaw stuff taken care of next. Then I make the last pass and finish things up with the leaf blower. I tackled Sarge's loop in it's entirety yesterday and today in that fashion, and it's all set and in fantastic shape. I'll head back over in the morning to start on the next section up the hill. We're planning a ride there for Saturday afternoon. Looks like the weather is supposed to be pretty nice. Sunny and in the high 40's. Rode my freshly manicured trail at home this afternoon, as well as Hoglund Preserve and Hugh's. Nice to have the local local trails back up and in good shape. Those three trails add up to just under a 10 mile ride with only a few miles of low traffic pavement on 119 in between. Funny how the "loop" has changed so much over the last 20 years or so. Evolution or some such shit I guess you'd say. Not too much else to report from our little corner of the lock down. I haven't been indoors with a human other than Sarah in a couple of weeks now. And my outdoor social contact has been minimal and distance appropriate. I do have a new homemade mask courtesy of Denise, and I may have to venture out to the Grain Train next week. Trail work/yoga/ride/rest/sauna repeat. Over and out.

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