
Trail Work

Going to get a chance to sample the benefits of all the trail cleaning I've been up to the last few days tomorrow. There's been somebody else out there as well, but I don't know who yet. They've been doing what looks like a pretty quick pass with the leaf blower, and blowing some trails that we don't normally ride. I'm pretty sure they are either redundant and/or not as good other existing trails, but we'll give em a shot and see where they go. Been riding the 29+ so far this spring, and I'm liking it a lot. I got a chance to weigh it today as well. I had misplaced my bike scale quite a while ago, and it finally turned up in plain sight hanging amongst some skis. So the beast tips the scales right at 30 lbs. with the frame bag, tube, pump, and pedals. Not too shabby. It's also weird to see how the saddle and handlebar height match up almost perfectly with the road bike jacked up a few inches on the trainer.
I'm not sure if that's what I'm liking about it so much or if it's the big tires. Don't get me wrong. The new Salsa got some good love this afternoon. Wiped her down, lubed the chain, cleaned out the valve stems and mounted up my new Maxxis tires for the season. Went for a 2.6 up front and a 2.35 in the rear. That's a little more tire than I ran last year, but I'm still resisting the dropper post.
I whipped a good batch of pizza dough yesterday, and Sarah tried her hand at bagels. They look pretty complicated to me, but I have a feeling the next batch is going to be pretty tasty.
I ran into an e-bike on the trail today, and I'm not sure how to process my feelings about that quite yet. I think I know the dude, kind of a jackass/trust fund guy. Quilted Cardhardt bibs, two dogs, no helmet.. He had a coozy insulated cover type thing for the battery area, I'm assuming to help the battery last longer in the cold. I told him to go ahead after a few seconds of awkward socially distant chit chat with me stepping well off the trail. He took off uphill, just as quiet as can be. I'm pretty sure he wasn't even pedaling. It was one of those e-bikes I'm afraid. Telling him he wasn't supposed to be riding a motorized vehicle where he was didn't feel like it would have any effect. And there certainly doesn't seem like there would be a way to turn someone in if you were so inclined to do that. It just sucks. This guy is not a disabled person. This is not someone's spouse who is "at a different fitness level but still wants to ride with their partner". This a just a lazy rich dude that thought they looked like fun, and a whole lot easier to use than a proper non motorized bike. I'm sure it's only going to get worse. Really not looking forward to the day somebody shows up the the WNR with one. Over and out.

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