
Spring Cleaning

I'm not sure what I'll do if I actually finish all the chores that need to be done, but I'm cruising along at a good pace on them. I'd say the shop is about 2/3 organized, and today I finished opening up my private little bit of single track. Went through the first time with the small rake and got most of the big sticks out of the way and tried to rough up the trail a bit. Went back through with the chain saw for four spots of not too much cutting but definitely bigger stuff than I ever could have moved even with help. Then I went out for a third lap with the leaf blower. Hugh's trail is all open now too (we rode that yesterday as part of our route) so I can get in a good ten mile mountain bike ride now from home with just a little pavement to connect stuff here and there. I'm going to head over to Boyne tomorrow or Wednesday and start on the trails over there. I hear there is still a little snow up near the top, but I drove down Warwick today and it looks like most of the Sasquatch up to the Stuffed Lamb ought to be accessible and ready for some TLC. I attempted some ice bath therapy in the lake yesterday after the ride. Water temp is about 34 I'm told, Bodt and I lasted two minutes. When will the sailing start this year? I suppose in the grand scheme of things that should be the least of my worries. The social distancing/stay at home rules remain in effect. Over and out.

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