
Dirt Road Ramble

Had a good small socially distance appropriate ride with Benson and Hugh yesterday. Benson has better knowledge of the dirt roads north and west of Alanson, but after a few years of riding over there with him I'm starting to get it figured out. At any rate, there are a bunch of good, hilly, and low traffic dirt roads over there and yesterday was just about the perfect weather in which to ride them. A slight breeze from the east and blue skies with temps in the low 50's. It was my first ride of the season with regular shoes and without full thermal tights. So it was really nice. We rode for a little over two hours and did about 25 miles. Legs felt pretty good most of the time, although they are feeling the overall increase in training volume this morning. Rainy and 45 out now, so it will work out well for an easy day. Probably just an easy spin indoors and maybe some yoga. And a sauna! Over and out.

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